Thursday, October 26, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Ubuntu now more popular than Mac OS X!

Whats up everyone? I was just taking a look at Google Trends and I found out something interesting. Apparently Ubuntu Linux has not only surpassed its major competitor in Linux ( SuSE ) in popularity, as well as the distro it's based off of (Debian) , but it seems to have also surpassed another major competitor. Yes, that's right! Apple Computer's very own Mac OS X has also been defeated in popularity by Ubuntu! Check it out for yourself. Here is a screenshot I took not 15 minutes ago. The blue line you see shooting up to the sky there is Ubuntu itself, while Mac OS, SuSE and Debian seem to all hang around the same general level of popularity. I've purposely left Windows out of this graph because if added, all of these OS's crawl near the bottom of the graph in an almost flat line compared to Windows' wild lead. Just thought this was pretty cool! Free software is definetly making some serious progress.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Ubuntu 7.04 - the "Feisty Fawn" - Mark Shuttleworth
In the next cycle we'll expand on the brand new infrastructure that has landed in Edgy as well as branching out in some exciting new directions. This combination of courage and restlessness is also found in a young deer that sets out to explore a world that is new and exciting - seeing the world through eyes unprejudiced by what has gone before.
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HOWTO Install Flash9 BETA in Ubuntu Linux
Flash 9 beta availible for Linux, but rememeber, that this is beta, so there might be some bugs still in it.
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Ubuntu 6.10 RC Released
The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the Release Candidate for version 6.10 of Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu - codenamed "Edgy Eft". The Release Candidate includes installable live Desktop CDs, server images, alternate text-mode installation CDs and an upgrade wizard for users of the current stable release.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006 launched
The goal of this site is to introduce new users to Ubuntu by way of short video clips that highlight Ubuntu's features and demonstrate how to complete common tasks. If you know of our have any clips that would help new users get started please submit them here. The site is sponsored by SFU's Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology.
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Free software is a weak mode of production
"The success of GNU/Linux and other free software projects is annoying...We really need to break free of those hippies at the [FSF] and let the grown-ups manage things from here on out...Not to mention that the peer-based production model doesn't really work that great anyway...Or at least, that's what I inferred from this post at IPcentral."
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Mark Shuttleworth Becomes the First Patron of KDE
For people and organisations who wish to contribute to KDE by providing financial support in an ongoing manner, the KDE e.V. now offers the new Supporting Members scheme. KDE e.V. is both excited and proud to announce Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical, as our first Patron of KDE.
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
5 Reasons to Kill IceWeasel
Although the Mozilla Foundation may be a bit overzealous at times when it comes to protecting it's copyrights, the truth is that the GNU's haste for something to hold on to has the potential to kill one of FLOSS's biggest successes: Firefox. Here are 5 reasons to creep up behind the newly born 'rat' and throttle it.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Highly Anticipated 'Portland' Ready for Prime Time
The highly anticipated general release of Portland 1.0, the first set of common interfaces for GNOME and KDE desktop environments, today is available in major community distributions including Debian, Fedora and OpenSUSE. Red Flag and Xandros have committed to including Portland 1.0 in their next releases and others are expected to follow.
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A first look at the Linux friendly Google Docs & Spreadsheet
This article takes an illustrative deep look at the features found in the just re-packaged and released Google docs and spreadsheet. Considering the sheer number of features included as well as its OS independent nature, this project by Google is set to scale new heights in the user popularity charts.
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Iceweasel Icons in the Ubuntu Wiki
As you may know, Debian is switching to Iceweasel instead of Firefox, Ubuntu will probably do the same. Members of have created several icons that we think should be used in Ubuntu as the Iceweasel icon. Go here to see the thread:
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HOW-TO: Adobe Photoshop CS2 on Ubuntu - 10 steps!
This HOW-TO covers up the whole process of installing Adobe Photoshop CS2 on a Ubuntu box in a few simple steps. This method has been tested only on Ubuntu, but it should work on any other linux flavor.
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Monday, October 09, 2006
All about Ogg, WAV, and MP3 under Linux
What is described in the following may be illegal where you live. Where I live, the law permits making a small number of copies of the contents of legally acquired media for personal use as long as this does not involve circumventing copy protection. Strangely enough, "personal use" includes giving a copy to close relatives. And "small number" cert
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How to create your own Youtube and get your own billion
Article about how to create your own video sharing service with flash video streaming using only open-source tools.
Neat sentiment, though I doubt your custom youtube would be much in the way of popular, but worth a try!
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KDE 3.5.5 will be released next week
KDE will ship the 5th maintenance update to KDE 3.5 next week. This release includes a bunch of bug fixes, improved language support, a new version of kopete and tons more.
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Saturday, October 07, 2006
All In One USB PCLinuxOS
This site has done a simple remaster of PCLinuxOS MiniMe made specifically for USB flash memory sticks. Also included in the remastered zip is a custom one button syslinux installer that allows you to make the USB drive bootable via Windows XP through a simple one button menu.
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Move over Firefox: IceWeasel is HERE!
From the recent Debian vs Firefox issue, it seems like "Firefox" will eventually and slowly be faced-out on GNU/Linux platforms that adheres to "free software" philosophy. There is currently a first binary release for GNU/Linux / x86 32 bit available, as well as its corresponding source code.
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Top 10 Ways/Reasons to Convince a New User Onto Linux
A list of the best reasons for a new user to use Linux in terms that apply to them. We all appreciate the values of Linux but it's hard to get new users to fully understand the benefits, so here is a list of the key points for the average user.
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Skype for Linux 1.3 official public release
After about a year of wait since last release, Skype released new version of its breakthrough product for Linux platform. ALSA support (don't laugh) and overall cleanup, contact list quick filter and many many more small visual and usability improvements make it a great update for Linux users.
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Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Issue 14 of Free Software Magazine released
Another bunch of free articles about free software are available to read on line or download in PDF for free from the Free Software Magazine crew. That's a lot of "free"s...
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Ten Reasons To Dump Windows
This article about top ten Windows annoyances which made me switch from XP to GNU/Linux and stick with it. I hope my thoughts will be informative and somewhat useful to all of you wondering whether to give up MS Windows.
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Slackware 11.0 Released
Never tried Slackware,but it seems to have a rabid fanbase. I'll have to give it a whirl sometime. Either way, the new version is out!
Announcing Slackware Linux 11! The first Slackware release more than a year in the making, this edition of Slackware combines Slackware's legendary simplicity, stability, and security with some of the latest advances in Linux technology.
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Monday, October 02, 2006
Ubuntu Vs. Microsoft!!
Shuttleworth's 'Ubuntu' family of software programs is based on the Linux open source operating system, which works on the principle that software is free and can be modified at no cost by anyone to suit local and specific needs -- unlike rival Microsoft's proprietary software.
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Morgan Webb switches to Linux
A classic TechTV Screen Savers spoof of the Apple "switch" ads, starring geek goddess Morgan Webb.
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Windows Too Confusing?
Some guy rants about Windows being to confusing compared to DOS, very entertaining.
(This is satire, by the way)
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Useful Ubuntu Links (From resources and howtos to desktop and appearance)
From the revision3 forums, a collection of very useful Ubuntu links covering tips and tricks, dekstop and appearance, resources and howtos and apps and scripts. Enjoy!
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The Mozilla Scandal: What can happen to Debian and Ubuntu?
Now that Debian is not allowed to use the Firefox name without showing every patch to Mozilla, people are boycotting Firefox. That is not all that will come of this though. How will this affect Ubuntu? Could Mozilla turn into a Microsoft, only caring about trademarks? This article attempts to clear things up about the Mozilla trademark situation.
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Bigger, better CrossOver adds WoW to Linux
Would-be Windows-on-Linux gamers got a very early Christmas present today, with the release by CodeWeavers of the first public beta of CrossOver, with support for World of Warcraft and other "steam-based" games such as Half Life 2 and Counterstrike.
Editors Note: Ok you MMORPG crackheads, your fix has just come to Linux! I have so far been able to keep myself from installing World of Warcraft, due to the lives I've seen it ruin and the hours I've seen it waste. Though I might not be able to keep it up anymore. If I cave in, expect this blog to be post free for at least a year.
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LinuxChix is a community for women who like Linux, and for women and men who want to support women in computing. The membership ranges from novices to experienced users, and includes professional and amateur programmers, system administrators and technical writers.
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Clippy for Linux
"Hello, I'm Clippy. Are you trying to read a digg story?" Yes someone ported Clippy to Linux.... See the screenshots of a sick joke taken too far.
Editors Note: Wow. This is just totally screwed up. Though I have to admit I laughed so hard seeing this that I peed a little.
If you're a glutton for punishment, enjoy this one.
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